It is not easy to define which dog´s behavior is normal and which is abnormal. And if behavior wouldnt be truly a behavior problem so abnormal behavior to the species, it still could be problematic. Identifying a behavior pattern as a problem involves a cluster of cultural and personal preferences and normative judgements. These judgements reflect owner´s attitudes and expectations assosiated with the dog´s behavior. Every owner/family has different kind of expectations, some want their dog to sleep in their bed and some dont. Dog behavior problem can be defined as a tendency or pattern of behavior that sufficiently deviates from the dog owner´s expecations or society´s norms that efforts are prompted to change it in to a more acceptable form. Dog behavior that fits our (or dog owner´s) norms and expectations is considered normal and acceptable, whereas dogs behavior that deviates too far from them is deemed abnormal or unacceptable.
Dog behavior problems develop under the influence of a complex web of experiential and biological influences. Dogs learn all the time and some behavioral problems could be just inadvertently strengthened manners (operant conditioning). Often something that dog has simply learned becomes a problematic to the dog´s owner. For example, a puppy that is allowed to jump at people doesnt understand why it can not do it anymore when he/she is grown-up (big dog--> bigger problem). Both human and environment teaches dogs.
Basis to the dog behavioral problems is that do they originate purely from what dog has learned in the past, from special and breed associated features or from individual´s genes. We can affect what puppy learns but cant impact on dog´s genes. Genome determinates long way dog´s behavior and its vulnerability to certain behavior patterns. Many behavior patterns that are natural to certain breed, are problematic in our society. For example, excessive barking when dog detectes some movement (many hunting dogs). It is important to explore dog breeds and select the right breed (need for motive or activation, home range) for you and your family. If dog´s natural need for motive can´t be content, some behavioral problems may occur.
When we discuss on dog behavioral problems, it is important to check dog´s health first. Many behavioral problem is associated with dog´s pain.
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