Friday, 26 June 2009
How to build calmness in your dog using their meal. Tips on Dog Care
Tips on understanding what dog allergies are all about. Entertainment and Beauty Tips
Buying guide for dog beds. WildPets!
25 popular dog breeds video. Tips on Dog Care
Sunday, 21 June 2009
The Elderly Dog: Care and Maintenance

It’s difficult to imagine the first time you are holding that irrepressibly cute little fur-ball that is your new puppy that one day he will be an older dog, a senior, with certain physical and mental needs. He won’t be as a quick as he once was; he might have a harder time hearing you come in the door; or he might take a few more minutes to get up off the floor, but there are special things you can do for your older dog to make his golden years comfortable and happy. Depending on the size of your dog (larger dogs age faster), by the time he has reached 6 years of age, he will be medically classified as a senior dog. It is not always readily apparent, but his body will have already started to change before your eyes. Prevention and additional care go a long way to caring for the senior dog and keeping his mind and body in good shape. Here are ten ways to keep your senior dog active and comfortable:
1. Make sure to schedule your veterinarian visits each year. In very geriatric animals, every six months might be appropriate. Just because he doesn’t act sick doesn’t mean he doesn’t need to go. In addition to annual vaccinations, be sure to have a full examination and geriatric blood work panel done. Blood work reveals how well his body is aging and if there is any problems in organs like the kidneys.
2. Keep his teeth very clean with preventative brushing, chew toys, and professional cleanings when necessary. Plaque and tartar buildup allow a breeding ground for bacteria, which can damage organs as they move throughout the body.
3. Keep his body in a good weight and maintain his muscle tone through consistent exercise. He might not be able to go for as long a walk as he once did, but exercise should still be an important part of his daily regimen. Elderly dogs loose muscle mass and strength, so it is important to keep them fit.
4. Many senior dogs benefit from supplemental products like Cosequin or other joint care products with glucosamine and chondroitin. They help lubricate stiff joints, which are ripe for arthritis.
5. Don’t forget to continue giving preventative medications like monthly heartworm pills, but if your dog is very old, sick, or disabled, you might want to ask your vet about giving monthly topical flea and tick preventatives. Many of them are not recommended for these kinds of dogs.
6. Make sure to provide plenty of warm sleeping locations in the home where he will not be disturbed. Older dogs sleep more as they age, so providing them an opportunity without high traffic for quality sleep is a good idea. A thick, soft pet bed provides them with joint support and extra warmth.
7. Don’t forget about his mental health! Sometimes when a dog ages, people forget all about training and working with the dog. Old dogs still like to do their tricks and be active. For example, if you’ve got an old hunting dog, let him do field work for an hour or two before switching off to the younger dog. He will still feel useful and part of the team.
8. Make grooming sessions special times by taking the extra time to brush and massage your dog. Not only does the grooming and massage feel great to the dog, but it also gives an owner a good opportunity to do body inspections: check his ears for odors, check his mouth and gums for growths or changes, and thoroughly inspect and feel his body. Many older dogs develop growths as they age, and some cancers start with just a simple bump.
9. Pay attention to your dog’s personality and routine and take note of any changes. Some dogs are very stoic and don’t show pain or illness easily. If you notice even the slightest change in your dog’s eating, drinking, restroom usage, sleeping, or general personality, go to the vet. Trust your judgment, and if something doesn’t seem right, follow your instincts.
10. Really think it through before getting a new puppy. A lot of people want to get a new puppy when a dog becomes older, but some older dogs might not want to put up with the nuisance of a brand new puppy that only wants to play. An old dog still has a lot of life in him, and mostly they just ask for a little love and comfort in return for the unconditional companionship. With a little preventative work and extra care, you can keep your senior in great shape for many years to come!
Article written by Ron Ayalon
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Early Socialization - Is Your Puppy Prepared For the Outside World?

Introducing your puppy to a variety of environments and experiences is a very important step in his training process. To develop a healthy mental well-being, he needs to know that the world is a fun place to discover. This can only be achieved through proper and continuous socialization.
Socialization is consists of preparing your puppy for healthy mental development by exposing him in a good way to different sights, smells, and sounds. Socialization also includes interaction with people, dogs, other pets and other objects like moving vehicles.
A friend of mine decided to finally get a dog. Only, he barely spent time with his dog. He thought that it would be best if he kept his dog locked up in the basement and he rarely took him out to the park or even a walk around the neighborhood. A dog should not be socially awkward like my friend's pet.
He barely allowed his dog to run around in his fenced back yard. And when he did allow his dog to run around freely in the yard, the dog would go bonkers! When ever my friend travels with his dog, the dog barks and growls at everyone that walks by. This is why it is imperative that you prepare your pet for the outside world.
So, taking your puppy to a training class is a great way to introduce him to a variety of experiences. Socializing your puppy calls for much more than teaching your dog training skills. Socialization actually trains your pet to interact with different situations, explore without fear, and get to know as much as he can about the universe around him, thereby giving him a healthy life.
First and foremost, socialization should begin in your puppy's first home and his breeder should introduce him to a variety of stimuli from the moment they are born.
For example, the litter should be exposed to a variety bedding materials to get them used to different textures and surfaces. Objects like balls, squeaky toys, bubble wraps, plastic bags, and other fun items that your will enjoy should be introduced slowly and as often as possible. This helps them approach new situations with confidence.
The following are a few examples of objects and situations that your pet should see and experience from the moment he opens his cute little eyes:
1. Introducing him people wearing hoods, hats, coats, and loud clothes.
2. Watching kids play in on the playground.
3. Watching little animals (birds, squirrels, etc. - just don't allow chasing).
4. Riding in the car inside a crate with windows rolled up and then rolled down.
5. Minimal traffic.
6. The sounds of different kitchen appliances.
7. A quick trip to the vet.
8. Going up and down a stair case.
9. Meeting new people of different ages.
10. Meeting new puppies and dogs (Keep puppy on your arms and watch him closely).
11. Meeting people who use wheelchairs, walkers, and canes.
12. Minimal crowds.
13. A flying kite.
14. Introduce your new puppy to different "odd" objects like plastic bags and fire hydrants.
15. Introduce him to a variety of sights, sounds, and smells of different objects.
Article written by Kelly Marshall from Oh My Dog Supplies - visit for dog food storage containers in every size.
Article Source:
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
DOG TRAINING VIDEO: Retrieving from water

Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Dog Training Tips For Happy Owners and Dogs

Training your dog will guarantee that you and your dog co exist in harmony. It will make your life and your dog's life much easier, and you'll be much happier companions. Puppy training is an essential part of bringing up your dog. Dog training is:
* for every dog or puppy
* saves homes
* fosters love
* and even saves lives.
* should be adapted to each dog's character and disposition
Although obedience training will not solve all behavior problems, it provides the foundation for solving just about any problem you may encounter with your dog. It is important for both you and your dog as it helps to establish a strong bond between you and your pet. Choose an obedience class carefully. It should not be monotonous or boring for you or your pet. Obedience training, schools, and even training tips are available online, and the Internet is one of the best places to start to find a good dog training program. There are also good books and videos to get you started.
Basic pet obedience training typically consists of 6 basic behaviors:
1. Sit
2. Down
3. Stay
4. Recall ("come", "here" or "in")
5. Close (or loose-leash) walking
6. Heel
Teaching obedience in dogs helps to prevent the development of bad habits. Training your puppy is something you should start planning at the earliest opportunity. It should be a fun, enriching and bond-building experience for both of you. If it isn't, then find a new program fast. Training your dog to walk next to you on a leash is easy to do when you learn the proper techniques. However, training your dog to stop undesirable behaviors can often be a real challenge. Training your pet is the basic and fundamental step to communicating and teaching your dog obedience and good behavior. And it will bring real and substantial rewards as you build a better relationship with your pet, as well as teach him acceptable behaviors.
The fact of the matter is that dog and puppy training is simple if you use the right tips and techniques. It is important to remember that dog training is not like programming a robot who once programmed will follow all your future commands without fail.
By Carrie Plescan
About The Author, an online pet supply store that donates a portion of every sale to animal and dog rescue shelters all around the US, offers dog obedience training books, as well as items such as GPS dog collars to help you find your pet if lost.
Monday, 25 May 2009
Dog Diarrhea Causes and Symptoms

This illness is a greatly common occurrence in dogs because of their habits of eating, chewing, and licking everything mildly of interest to them or to any other dog, cat, or mammal they see with a similar interest.
Dog diarrhea can be a serious or not so serious in dogs, I this because there are so many different types and causes of diarrhea that making any kind of assumption of your dogs cause of diarrhea would be a complete guess and only based on the most common cause of the illness.
So what is the most common cause of dog diarrhea I hear you ask? Well its usually from eating or trying to digest something unfamiliar or uncomfortable to the dogs digestive system. This could include parts of a favourite but badly designed chew toy that have broken off and been swallowed causing an uncomfortable feeling in the stomach, from gone off foods such as the types many dogs discover and drag out of bins or trash, or not uncommonly because your dogs stomach is just not used to the particular type of food you are giving them.
If your dog is used to a pretty bland diet or the same diet for a long period of time then the last option in the previous paragraph may be the cause and is very similar to what we call a Delhi belly (unwell, being sick, diarrhea) from encountering different types of foods or diet when we go to places similar to India which have spicier and more unfamiliar foods to our systems.
The treatment for such an illness is dependent on the diagnosis from a qualified vt, but in most cases it will be to stop the dog eating for a period of about one day or twenty four hours so that the dogs system has time to get rid of all the waste and possible offending 'poisons' and can return to normal again.
In the attempt to rid of all the bad substance in the dogs body it will continue to cause the dog to vomit or have diarrhea until everything has been cleared out of the body. If the dog is still being fed on a normal diet then the body will continue to think there is more excess waste to get rid of and the diarrhea and vomiting will continue unnecessarily for long periods of time.
Bear in mind this is a guide to dog diarrhea and you should always get the dog checked out by a professional vet before hand so they get the correct treatment and there is nothing else causing the illness.
Source: Free Articles
DOG TRAINING IN PRACTISE: Teaching conditioned reinforcer to the dog

Dog training should be fun but also effective. Using positive reinforcement requires that we can "tell" the dog precisely when it is doing something right. If we use only unconditioned reinforcer (for example food and toys), particularly teaching new things to the dog, reinforcing could be inaccurate and too slow. Trainer rewards the dog always few seconds too late. Conditioned reinforcer (for example clicker, some sound or light) makes dog training much more faster and effective. Utilizing classical conditioning we can teach to the dog that some kind of sound signal predicts a reward.
You can use any kind of reward, however food is often simplest. Play the sound signal of your choice (clicker, good-word, whistle etc.) and then give a reward to the dog. Pay attension that for example your hand doesn´t move until the sound signal ends. Repeat it many times and remember to take breaks. Add some kind of distractions to the learning situations step by step, for example train your dog in different kind of places. Other people and dogs are also good distractions. Remember that when a new distraction comes along, your dog could stay and stare it/those. Deliver the reward still and don´t repeat the sound signal! Finally you can test the signal by playing it when dog is looking somewhere else. If your dog immediately looks at you and comes to you, it has learned the signal.
I speak in next dog training in practise-articles how to teach your dog some new tricks by using conditioned reinforcer!
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